Monday, November 13, 2017

Autumn Sampler

I am excited to show you my latest pattern release called "Autumn Sampler". I actually created this design back in 2011 for the Samplermakers Autumn Stitching Challenge. Our task was to design an autumn themed piece using at least two motifs that were graciously provided by Jennie Lynn Schmitt of Appleseed Prim. I chose to use Jennie Lynn's owl and crow motifs and also adapted her house motif to suit my design a little better. I decided to chart it this year after having several people ask about it...the pattern is now available in my Etsy shop if you'd like to stitch one for yourself. 

And speaking of Samplermakers, how cool is it that just as I was working on this old piece from the original group, Lori Brechlin of Notforgotten Farm started a new Samplermakers group on Facebook. I am so happy to see it back and really credit that original autumn challenge way back then for starting me on my primitive designing journey. If you are one Facebook and love samplers, be sure and check it out.

Wishing you all a wonderful week filled with lots of happy stitches!


Robin in Virginia said...

What a wonderful autumn sampler you have created! I really like the design and the colors.

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Sandy.
So nice to hear from you, my friend!!! LOVE your new sampler design!!! Red houses are such a favorite!!! Hope you are enjoying the lovely fall weather!!! I sure am!!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Heart Hugs~

Unknown said...

I purchased this chart on etsy and was wondering if it was meant to have the capital J left off? Thank you Kathy Parker