Sunday, December 17, 2017

Merry Christmas

Only one more week until Christmas and I finally have a new pattern to show you. My vision seems to be slowing me down a lot more lately as a result of the eye surgery I had earlier in the year. Hopefully that will get better soon since the doctor says the swelling in my eye is finally starting to go down. Yippee!!!

"Merry Christmas" is the third design in my little series of Belsnickels and is now available in my Etsy shop as either a PDF file or mailed paper pattern. Hope you like it!!!

Merry Christmas!


Jacqueline said...

Lovely. And beautifully stitched. Happy holidays.

The Humble Stitcher said...

Thank you Jacqueline! Happy Holidays to you as well :)

Unknown said...

Just perfect for the holiday!

The Humble Stitcher said...

Thank you, Darlene. Merry Christmas to you :)

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Sandy,
I'm so happy I came back to comment! It was just blank when I clicked on it earlier!!
Your new piece is so sweet and just perfect for Christmas!!! So glad your eye is finally healing up!!!
Hope you and yours have a Most Blessed and Happy Christmas, dear friend!!
Christmas Hugs~

Robin in Virginia said...

I am happy to hear your eye is on the mend. Your new design is super.

The Humble Stitcher said...

Thank you Julie and Robin! So happy you like my new design. I appreciate your good thoughts about my's definitely taken way longer to heal than I ever imagined it would. Wishing you both a wonderful Christmas and a very special 2018.