My first "stitching" love has always been cross stitch. I've been cross stitching for over 30 years now which must be why it sometimes seems like I've been doing it forever! When I finished this sweet "Lady Love" Sheepish Designs sampler, I decided to make it into a cupboard/door hanger and not mess with the framing. Because I stuffed it with wool, I guess it could also serve as a pinkeep since wool is such a great choice for keeping pins and needles in good working order.
It is as cute as can be. The motif looks kind of Pennsylvania Dutch? Very romantic.
Thanks, Donna. I agree....Pennsylvania Dutch or maybe even Colonial. I just loved that sweet couple and the kitty on the bush so had to stitch it!
Lovely little stitchery. Thanks for sharing. I found your blog through another. Very nice and I will visit you again soon.
Carolyn from Des Moines, Iowa.
Thanks Carolyn. My blog is pretty new so there isn't much here yet but I am having way too much fun with it. I hope to get some more stuff posted soon!
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